Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(3) 37-48
pp. 37 - 48
Publish Date: September 29, 2019 | Single/Total View: 234/967 | Single/Total Download: 354/1.782
This paper explores the competency of teachers from community schools of Nepal for the adaptation of Information and Community Technology in the instructional processes. The use technological tools i.e. computer, mobile, projector, printer, learning apps, e-library etc. in the instructional process has critically been analyzed in this study. I used case study method and interpretative inquiry for this study. The study explored that there is the ICT-friendly policies and programs in Nepal but teachers’ competency seems to be improved to extend opportunity for students to access ICT-instructed teaching and learning.
Keywords: Community Schools, ICT, Instructional Process, Teachers’ Competency, Technological Tools
APA 7th edition
Dulal, D. (2019). Competency of teachers and application of ict in the instructional processes: A case of community schools of Nepal. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(3), 37-48.
Dulal, D. (2019). Competency of teachers and application of ict in the instructional processes: A case of community schools of Nepal. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(3), pp. 37-48.
Chicago 16th edition
Dulal, Deepak (2019). "Competency of teachers and application of ict in the instructional processes: A case of community schools of Nepal". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (3):37-48.