Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(3) 26-36

Development of scientific teaching materials oriented by saintificial approaches to improve critical thinking of elementary school students

A. Indra Nihla Annashih Indra, Tjandra Kirana Tjandra & Raharjo Raharjo

pp. 26 - 36

Publish Date: September 29, 2019  |   Number of Views: 889  |  Number of Download: 1578


This study aims to produce science teaching materials products and related devices such as Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), Student Activity Sheets (LKS), and Test Sheets that are valid, practical, and effective to improve critical thinking of elementary school students. This research was carried out using the 4-D model of Thiagarajan et al., Namely the stage of defining, designing, developing, disseminating and testing in the fifth grade of Dukuhtunggal State Elementary School, Duduklor State Elementary School, Margoanyar Lamongan State Elementary School year 2018/2019 teaching with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data analysis technique uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed: 1) valid, according to the assessment of the three validators with valid categories, 2) practical, according to the assessment of the two observers seen from the activity of students increasing at each meeting and the implementation of RPP, 3) effective, seen from the significant differences between the results of the pretest and posttest tests were students 'critical thinking and the students' positive responses. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the development of science-oriented teaching materials scientific approach is valid, practical, and effective to improve critical thinking of elementary school students.

Keywords: Development of Teaching Materials, Scientific Approach, Critical Thinking

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APA 7th edition
Indra, A.I.N.A., Tjandra, T.K., & Raharjo, R. (2019). Development of scientific teaching materials oriented by saintificial approaches to improve critical thinking of elementary school students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(3), 26-36.

Indra, A., Tjandra, T. and Raharjo, R. (2019). Development of scientific teaching materials oriented by saintificial approaches to improve critical thinking of elementary school students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(3), pp. 26-36.

Chicago 16th edition
Indra, A. Indra Nihla Annashih, Tjandra Kirana Tjandra and Raharjo Raharjo (2019). "Development of scientific teaching materials oriented by saintificial approaches to improve critical thinking of elementary school students". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (3):26-36.

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