Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(3) 11-25

Plight of physical education in secondary schools of Punjab; Pakistan

Muhammad Anees-Ul-Husnain Shah, Noman Hafeez & Jibran Idrees

pp. 11 - 25

Publish Date: September 29, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 284/902   |   Single/Total Download: 417/1.674


The major purpose of this research study was to investigate the plight of physical education in secondary schools of Punjab, Pakistan, particularly in D. G, Khan Division. The data was collected and presented on the bases of the research objectives. Three research questions were formulated in the light of research objectives and two research questionnaires (five point likert scale) were adapted with the help of the literature review. The entire population consisted of three districts, in which both male and female 4228 teachers, 89594 students and 950 public and private secondary schools. For data collection, 400 teachers, 400 students of public and private secondary schools were selected as a sample from convenience sampling technique. The research was descriptive in nature and the survey method was used for the collection of data. With the use of (SPSS) v-20, Mean Standard Deviation, Percentage, and further tests were applied. This research showed the differences in all five domains in the level of plights facing by physical education. The findings of the research study highlighted that the teacher could not teach the learners due to a large number of students in classrooms, availability of equipment and appropriate curriculum may also effect on teachers and students performance, overcrowded schools and miss management from the educational authorities also the major causes of the hurdles in physical education. It was recommended that the decision makers of the ministry of education may review the educational policies which prove beneficial for the teachers and students regards physical education at secondary schools and may provide effective and positive solutions to resolve the problems. Teacher training programs should be held to make the environment and management of schools positive and productive.

Keywords: Physical Education, Secondary School, Physical Activities

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APA 7th edition
Shah, M.A., Hafeez, N., & Idrees, J. (2019). Plight of physical education in secondary schools of Punjab; Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(3), 11-25.

Shah, M., Hafeez, N. and Idrees, J. (2019). Plight of physical education in secondary schools of Punjab; Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(3), pp. 11-25.

Chicago 16th edition
Shah, Muhammad Anees-Ul-Husnain, Noman Hafeez and Jibran Idrees (2019). "Plight of physical education in secondary schools of Punjab; Pakistan". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (3):11-25.

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