International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(2) 29-36

The Relationship between Internet Addiction, Peer Pressure and Perceived Social Support among Adolescents

Binnaz Kıran Esen & Mehmet Gündoğdu

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 228 483
  France 137 153
Unknown 81 249
  Philippines 57 329
  Indonesia 41 71
  India 36 184
  Turkey 35 82
  Malaysia 29 72
  Russian Federation 20 55
  Hong Kong 19 68
  Thailand 14 23
  China 12 35
  Nigeria 11 37
  Pakistan 10 36
  Germany 10 21
  Singapore 9 31
  Vietnam 8 16
Unknown 7 17
  Europe 6 12
  Taiwan 6 10
  Japan 6 13
  Korea, Republic of 4 7
  United Kingdom 4 29
  Sweden 4 4
Asia/Pacific Region 4 12
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 15
  Netherlands 4 20
  Greece 4 14
  Guyana 3 4
  Spain 3 5
  Australia 3 11
  Canada 2 18
  Brazil 2 4
  Egypt 2 9
  Croatia 2 2
  Jordan 2 3
  Ghana 2 2
  Uganda 2 5
  Qatar 2 2
  Portugal 2 10
  Ethiopia 2 5
  New Zealand 1 5
  Lithuania 1 1
  Colombia 1 2
  Peru 1 1
  United Arab Emirates 1 5
  Poland 1 3
  Hungary 1 1
  Cambodia 1 1
  Kenya 1 9
  South Africa 1 4
  Costa Rica 1 1
  Macao 1 3
  Sri Lanka 1 2
  Italy 1 7
  Myanmar 1 2
  Norway 1 8
  Nepal 1 2
  Switzerland 0 1
  Zimbabwe 0 1
  Lebanon 0 4
  Czech Republic 0 1
  Albania 0 1
  Tanzania, United Republic of 0 1
  Cyprus 0 1
  Romania 0 3
  Trinidad and Tobago 0 1
  Mauritius 0 1
  Tunisia 0 2
  Mexico 0 1
  Slovakia 0 3
  Moldova, Republic of 0 1
  Ireland 0 1
  Israel 0 1
  Oman 0 1
  Belize 0 1
  Anguilla 0 1
  Bangladesh 0 3
  Namibia 0 1
  Bahrain 0 1
  Brunei 0 1
  Macedonia 0 2
  Bahamas 0 1
  Bhutan 0 1
  Iraq 0 1
  Maldives 0 1
Total 86 countries