International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(2) 1-13

The Organizational Culture At The University

Osman Ferda BEYTEKİN, Münevver YALÇINKAYA, Miray DOĞAN & Neriman KARAKOÇ

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 152 283
  France 131 146
Unknown 26 71
  Russian Federation 22 48
  Turkey 16 38
  Germany 10 19
  China 8 19
  Singapore 6 7
  Thailand 4 9
  Philippines 4 11
  Nigeria 3 4
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 3 5
  Ethiopia 3 3
  Bulgaria 2 2
  Kazakhstan 2 4
  Vietnam 2 4
  Canada 2 6
  Saudi Arabia 2 4
  India 2 6
  Poland 2 2
  Pakistan 2 3
  Romania 1 1
  Belgium 1 4
  Bahamas 1 1
  United Kingdom 1 4
  Chile 1 1
  South Africa 1 1
  Netherlands 1 3
Asia/Pacific Region 1 1
  Mexico 1 2
  Indonesia 1 4
  Hong Kong 1 2
  Europe 1 1
  Malaysia 1 8
  Korea, Republic of 1 1
  Serbia 1 2
  Spain 1 2
  Kenya 1 2
  Finland 1 1
  Peru 1 3
  Moldova, Republic of 0 1
  Portugal 0 2
  Mozambique 0 1
  Cameroon 0 1
  Sierra Leone 0 1
  Denmark 0 1
  Ghana 0 2
  Oman 0 1
  Australia 0 1
  United Arab Emirates 0 2
  Greece 0 2
  Algeria 0 1
  Colombia 0 1
Total 53 countries