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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(1) 42-59

Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Stand-Alone Graduate-Level Multicultural Education Course in a Public University in Turkey

Yahya Han Erbaş

pp. 42 - 59

Publish Date: March 15, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 347/890   |   Single/Total Download: 557/1.715


The contents of multicultural teacher education courses are essential as well as an examination of which philosophies, theories, and approaches are taught in multicultural courses, in order to support teachers' awareness regarding pluralism. This qualitative case study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a course that designed to teach theoretical and practical foundations of multicultural education. For this study, the researcher gathered data and investigated a stand-alone graduate course referred to as MULT-500 Multicultural Education in a school of education at a Turkish university. For this study, a focus group interview, fieldnotes, the course syllabus, and transcriptions of the final interviews serve as the sources for the findings. The results of the study indicated that some of the participants' expectations of this course were satisfactorily met, but it is worth noting that not all of their expectations were met. Although some participants thought that the course materials (books, articles, etc.) that was used for the course have the high quality, some of them believed that the course materials and the assignments should be more related to Turkish schools and curricula concepts. Additionally, participants believed that course provided the new terms with regard to multiculturalism; however, the lack of multicultural experiences in the classrooms, which was not supported throughout the course, was one the major concerns of participants.

Keywords: Keywords: Multicultural Teacher Education Course, Teacher and Teacher Candidates, Course Content, Expectations and Acquisitions, Qualitative Research

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APA 7th edition
Erbas, Y.H. (2019). Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Stand-Alone Graduate-Level Multicultural Education Course in a Public University in Turkey. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(1), 42-59.

Erbas, Y. (2019). Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Stand-Alone Graduate-Level Multicultural Education Course in a Public University in Turkey. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(1), pp. 42-59.

Chicago 16th edition
Erbas, Yahya Han (2019). "Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Stand-Alone Graduate-Level Multicultural Education Course in a Public University in Turkey". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (1):42-59.

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