Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2015, Vol. 6(1) 31-35
Ahmet AKIN, Mehmet Ali HAMEDOGLU, Serhat ARSLAN, Ümran AKIN, Eyüp ÇELİK, Çınar KAYA & Nihan ARSLAN
pp. 31 - 35 | Manu. Number: ijers.2015.003
Published online: March 01, 2015 | Number of Views: 549 | Number of Download: 1052
The aim of this research is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (CTDS; Sosu, 2013). Participants were 212 university students. The results of confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the 11 items loaded on two factors (critical openness and reflective scepticism) and the two-dimensional model was well fit (x²=53.24, df= 40, RMSEA=.040, NFI=.90, NNFI=.96, GFI=.96, AGFI=.93, CFI=.97, IFI=.97, and SRMR=.046). The internal consistency coefficients were .68 for critical openness subscale, .75 for reflective scepticism subscale, and .78 for the overall scale. The corrected item-total correlations of CTDS ranged from .25 to .57. Overall findings demonstrated that this scale is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring individuals’ disposition to critical thinking.
Keywords: Critical thinking, validity, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis
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