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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2014, Vol. 5(3) 1-13

Beginning Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Struggles in Remote Areas

Zeynep AKDAG

pp. 1 - 13

Publish Date: December 01, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 265/848   |   Single/Total Download: 311/1.823


The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service teachers’ concerns about working in remote areas before they enter teaching profession, and their real life experiences when they start to teach in remote areas in Turkey. Sixteen pre-service teachers were interviewed immediately after their graduation. Then, six teachers started to teach in remote areas. Two more interviews were conducted with six beginning teachers when they finish first and second semester they taught. The phenomenological analysis developed by Moustakas (1994) was used in this study. Findings of this study revealed that pre-service teachers were reluctant to work in remote areas due to social, economical, cultural, and safety problems. When they start to teach in those regions they realized that actual situation is far worse than their initial expectations. They especially struggled to teach children coming from low socioeconomic status and children who did not speak Turkish. Involving low SES parents into their children’s education and lack of social life in a small and closed society were also challenging for beginning teachers

Keywords: Beginning teachers, remote areas, early childhood education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
AKDAG, Z. (2014). Beginning Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Struggles in Remote Areas. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(3), 1-13.

AKDAG, Z. (2014). Beginning Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Struggles in Remote Areas. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(3), pp. 1-13.

Chicago 16th edition
AKDAG, Zeynep (2014). "Beginning Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Struggles in Remote Areas". International Journal of Educational Researchers 5 (3):1-13.

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