International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2018, Vol. 9(4) 52-58

Memory of a Visit: German Fountain

Sibel Orhan

pp. 52 - 58   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1812-24-0006

Published online: December 29, 2018  |   Number of Views: 92  |  Number of Download: 769


The year 1888, in which German Emperor Wilhelm II took power, caused big changes for the Ottoman Empire. Because Wilhelm II orientated to the East front for expanding the lands and beeing world power by excepting the usual Bismarck politic. To reach the goals, he approached peacefully to Ottoman lands, which he saw as ‘short cut’. He visited the Otooman territory three times in 1889, 1898 and 1917. None of the visit of Kaiser Wilhelm was the same. In each visit he had a different experiences and left different nice memories behind. Especially during the second visit, he advanced his relationship with Sultan Abdülhamid. During the visit there have been many exchanges of gifts beetween two emperors. This courtesy went on many times. German Emperor was so pleased after the second visit, that he constructed a fountain to Ottoman lands as a present. This construction known as German Fountain, stands for the memory of this visit, also as a symbol of the close relationship between the two empires. At the same time with this fountain, that is the Emperor Wilhelm’s selfdesign, the sample of German culture in Ottoman lands is exhibited. 

Keywords: German Fountain, Germany, Ottoman, Abdülhamid II, Wilhelm II.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Orhan, S. (2018). Memory of a Visit: German Fountain . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(4), 52-58.

Orhan, S. (2018). Memory of a Visit: German Fountain . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(4), pp. 52-58.

Chicago 16th edition
Orhan, Sibel (2018). "Memory of a Visit: German Fountain ". International Journal of Educational Researchers 9 (4):52-58.


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