Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2018, Vol. 9(4) 20-24
pp. 20 - 24
Publish Date: December 22, 2018 | Single/Total View: 50/827 | Single/Total Download: 70/1.553
One of the key challenge of securing broadcast statement is source authentication, that is enabling receivers of broadcast facts to validate that the received data actually originates from the claimed source and was not modified on the way. This problem becomes more complex in real time communication where other receivers of the data are not trusted and where lost packets are not retransmitted.This application is mainly developed for assuring authenticity of multimedia data. It is implemented in java using java media arrangement to send audio video information over real time transport protocol. Message authentication code (MAC), which is a symmetric cryptographic primitive, is used for providing authentication. Delayed key disclosure technique is used to overcome the drawback of MAC. Elements of one-way hash chains are used as keys in order to implement the above technique. This is a capable protocol with low communication transparency, tolerates packet loss and it is primarily based on loose time harmonization between the sender and the receivers.
Keywords: Authentication, Broadcast, Multimedia, Delayed Key
APA 7th edition
Raja, A., Kumar, M., & Santhoshkumar, S.P. (2018). Implementation of Broadcast Authentication Protocol For Multimedia Communication. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(4), 20-24.
Raja, A., Kumar, M. and Santhoshkumar, S. (2018). Implementation of Broadcast Authentication Protocol For Multimedia Communication. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(4), pp. 20-24.
Chicago 16th edition
Raja, A.Wasim, M.Praveen Kumar and S. P. Santhoshkumar (2018). "Implementation of Broadcast Authentication Protocol For Multimedia Communication". International Journal of Educational Researchers 9 (4):20-24.