Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2013, Vol. 4(1) 31-38

A Model For Common Courses In Higher Education: Web Based Student Grouping Software (Example Of Akdeniz University)

Okan ORAL, Evren SEZGIN, Firat YUCEL & Mehmet TOPAKCI

pp. 31 - 38

Publish Date: March 01, 2013  |   Single/Total View: 123/807   |   Single/Total Download: 144/1.649


Today, the necessity of widespread using in all areas of informatics and to gain basic skills for the use of information technologies has increased the importance of these courses. In this study, an education model developed for all undergraduate and college freshmen students who are taking compulsory computer courses at Akdeniz University. In this education model, computer usage and knowledge level of each students are measured by 'a proficiency exam'. Homogeneous classes are established by distributing students into groups according to their success rates. Approximately 3000 students take these lessons in every term. These lessons are organized online. Thus, loss of time at the beginning of each semester is prevented and costs arising from the documentation are reduced. In addition, academic staff and laboratories assigned to lessons are reduced.

Keywords: Informatics, computer education, web based software

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
ORAL, O., SEZGIN, E., YUCEL, F., & TOPAKCI, M. (2013). A Model For Common Courses In Higher Education: Web Based Student Grouping Software (Example Of Akdeniz University). International Journal of Educational Researchers, 4(1), 31-38.

ORAL, O., SEZGIN, E., YUCEL, F. and TOPAKCI, M. (2013). A Model For Common Courses In Higher Education: Web Based Student Grouping Software (Example Of Akdeniz University). International Journal of Educational Researchers, 4(1), pp. 31-38.

Chicago 16th edition
ORAL, Okan, Evren SEZGIN, Firat YUCEL and Mehmet TOPAKCI (2013). "A Model For Common Courses In Higher Education: Web Based Student Grouping Software (Example Of Akdeniz University)". International Journal of Educational Researchers 4 (1):31-38.

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