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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2012, Vol. 3(2) 10-16

A Study of the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills Level and the Loneliness Level of the Elementary and High School Students


pp. 10 - 16

Publish Date: July 01, 2012  |   Single/Total View: 178/838   |   Single/Total Download: 197/1.772


In this study, the problem solving skills and loneliness level of the elementary and high school students was measured and their relationship was examined. Moreover whether there is a difference between boys and girls according to the problem solving skills and loneliness level was studied. The data of this study was obtained by 300 elementary and high school students in Sakarya at the 2009-2010 education year.

For collecting the data from teachers two measurement tools were used. One of these was “Problem Solving Inventory” which was developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) and adapted to Turkish language by Taylan (1990) and the other was “UCLA Loneliness Scale” which was developed by Russell, Peplau and Cutrano (1980) and adapted to Turkish language by Demir (1989).

The results of the study were interpreted with the related previous researches. These results were tried to expound and discuss by associating psychology and counseling psychology area. Moreover, at the end of the study some suggestions were mentioned for giving idea and more information to the researchers.

Keywords: problem solving skills, loneliness

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
ATASAYAR, M., & GULER, N. (2012). A Study of the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills Level and the Loneliness Level of the Elementary and High School Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 3(2), 10-16.

ATASAYAR, M. and GULER, N. (2012). A Study of the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills Level and the Loneliness Level of the Elementary and High School Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 3(2), pp. 10-16.

Chicago 16th edition
ATASAYAR, Mehmet and Nese GULER (2012). "A Study of the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills Level and the Loneliness Level of the Elementary and High School Students". International Journal of Educational Researchers 3 (2):10-16.

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