Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2024, Vol. 15(4) 69-80

Preservice Primary School Teachers' Perspectives on Classroom-Based Mealtime as a Tool for Nutrition Education and Healthy Eating Habits

Nida Bayındır & Mehmet Gökce

pp. 69 - 80   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 29/36   |   Single/Total Download: 61/45


Nutrition is fundamental to children's holistic development, particularly during primary school, as it supports physical growth, cognitive abilities, and academic performance. This study explores the perceptions and practices of preservice primary school teachers regarding nutrition education, focusing on their role in fostering healthy eating habits among students. Utilizing a phenomenological research design, the study captures the lived experiences of 22 preservice teachers from a state university during 2019'2020 academic year. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather rich, qualitative data. The findings reveal that preservice teachers emphasize imparting nutritional knowledge, ensuring hygiene, and enforcing dietary rules during in-class nutrition sessions. They recognize their dual role as educators and role models, advocating for teacher-led initiatives and parental collaboration in promoting sustainable nutritional practices. Furthermore, the study highlights the significance of integrating nutrition education into the school curriculum as a continuous and practical endeavor. Recommendations include incorporating hands-on activities like meal preparation demonstrations and leveraging artificial intelligence tools to provide personalized nutritional guidance. These strategies aim to enhance nutrition education's efficacy, fostering lifelong healthy eating behaviors. This study contributes to the growing body of literature emphasizing the critical role of educators in shaping children's nutritional habits and underscores the need for comprehensive nutrition education programs in schools.

Keywords: Classroom-based mealtime, eating habits, lunchbox, nutrition education.

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APA 7th edition
Bayindir, N., & Gokce, M. (2024). Preservice Primary School Teachers’ Perspectives on Classroom-Based Mealtime as a Tool for Nutrition Education and Healthy Eating Habits. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(4), 69-80.

Bayindir, N. and Gokce, M. (2024). Preservice Primary School Teachers’ Perspectives on Classroom-Based Mealtime as a Tool for Nutrition Education and Healthy Eating Habits. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(4), pp. 69-80.

Chicago 16th edition
Bayindir, Nida and Mehmet Gokce (2024). "Preservice Primary School Teachers’ Perspectives on Classroom-Based Mealtime as a Tool for Nutrition Education and Healthy Eating Habits". International Journal of Educational Researchers 15 (4):69-80.

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