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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2011, Vol. 2(2) 10-20

A Study On The University Students’ Levels Of Tendency To Violence And Aggression In Relation With The Need They Feel About Receiving Informal Art Education (Erzincan Case Study)

Orhan Taşkesen

pp. 10 - 20

Publish Date: July 01, 2011  |   Single/Total View: 205/846   |   Single/Total Download: 257/1.703


This study was carried out to detect the university students’ need levels of receiving art education informally, and to determine if there is a significant difference between the levels of tendency to violence and aggression levels according to the need they feel about receiving art education informally. This study was conducted with 182 (78 male, 104 female) students who study at Erzincan University. “Scale of need for receiving art education informally” developed by the researcher, “Aggression Scale” developed by Tuzgöl, “Scale of tendency to violence” developed by Göka, Bayat and Türkçapar were used respectively to measure the students’ needs for receiving art education informally, to measure the levels of aggression, and to measure their “tendency to violence”. In the analysis of the data, Kruskal Wallis H test, one of non-parametric tests, was used to compare scores belonging to the dependent variable of the unrelated sample and Person Correlation Coefficient was used to determine the relationship between the two variables. At the end of the study, according to the need they feel about receiving art education informally, no significant difference was found between the students’ levels of aggression and tendency levels to violence. In a positive way, a significant relationship was found out between the students’ levels of aggression and tendency levels to violence.

Keywords: Art Education, Informal Education, Aggression, Tendency to Violence

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APA 7th edition
Taskesen, O. (2011). A Study On The University Students’ Levels Of Tendency To Violence And Aggression In Relation With The Need They Feel About Receiving Informal Art Education (Erzincan Case Study). International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2(2), 10-20.

Taskesen, O. (2011). A Study On The University Students’ Levels Of Tendency To Violence And Aggression In Relation With The Need They Feel About Receiving Informal Art Education (Erzincan Case Study). International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2(2), pp. 10-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Taskesen, Orhan (2011). "A Study On The University Students’ Levels Of Tendency To Violence And Aggression In Relation With The Need They Feel About Receiving Informal Art Education (Erzincan Case Study)". International Journal of Educational Researchers 2 (2):10-20.

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