Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2024, Vol. 15(2) 16-36

Walking Down the Street: Addressing the Cultural Process of Stereotyping among Preservice and Inservice Teachers of English Learners to Close the Opportunity Gap

Abdelilah Salim Sehlaoui & Taniya Morris

pp. 16 - 36   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2024.1041.2

Publish Date: June 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 69/290   |   Single/Total Download: 99/300


The purpose of this study was to explore how the process of stereotyping is used among preservice and inservice teachers. Implicit bias and unconscious stereotyping can perpetuate the status quo and widen the opportunity gap for minoritized students. The study aimed to investigate 1) the prevalence of racial/ethnic stereotypes among inservice and preservice teachers who serve English learners, and 2) how stereotyping of racial/ethnic groups varies between the two groups of teachers or which group of teachers (inservice or preservice) got the most negative responses for all portraits used as stimuli. Data were collected from participants' anonymous written reactions to the 'Walking Down the Street' activity questions. A loglinear statistical analysis and a qualitative content analysis were used to answer the research questions. The common patterns that emerged from the data analyses were summarized and discussed by comparing the two groups of teachers and their process of stereotyping. Practical pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research are shared.

Keywords: Critical Crosscultural Communication, ESL Bilingual Teacher Education, ‎ Opportunity Gap, Stereotype Threat

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APA 7th edition
Sehlaoui, A.S., & Morris, T. (2024). Walking Down the Street: Addressing the Cultural Process of Stereotyping among Preservice and Inservice Teachers of English Learners to Close the Opportunity Gap. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(2), 16-36. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2024.1041.2

Sehlaoui, A. and Morris, T. (2024). Walking Down the Street: Addressing the Cultural Process of Stereotyping among Preservice and Inservice Teachers of English Learners to Close the Opportunity Gap. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(2), pp. 16-36.

Chicago 16th edition
Sehlaoui, Abdelilah Salim and Taniya Morris (2024). "Walking Down the Street: Addressing the Cultural Process of Stereotyping among Preservice and Inservice Teachers of English Learners to Close the Opportunity Gap". International Journal of Educational Researchers 15 (2):16-36. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2024.1041.2

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