Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2024, Vol. 15(1) 1-16

Parental Influence on the Selection of Subjects for Career Choice among Senior Secondary School Students in Damaturu Metropolis, Yobe State, Nigeria

Hi̇rhyel Audu James, Nimitein Bibi Prayer & Musa Saleh

pp. 1 - 16   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 31, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 295/3.655   |   Single/Total Download: 587/5.422


This study examined parental influence on the selection of subjects for career choice among senior secondary school students in Damaturu metropolis, Yobe State, Nigeria. The study had two objectives with one being a research question and another being a hypothesis. The study had survey research design and the population of the study consisted of one thousand (1,000) students. Simple random sampling technique was used to select one hundred (100) students to form the sample size. The purpose of data collection was to analyse mean and standard deviation to answer the research question and to reveal the extent of parental influence on selection of subject for career choice among senior secondary school students in Damaturu metropolis. It was found that parental influence was high, and the finding of the research hypothesis revealed that there was a significant relationship between parental influence and students selection of subjects (r=0.748; p0.05). Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that professional counsellors should be trained and re-trained to fully understand the factors that influence the selection of subjects among students and orientation programmes should be organized to help students select a career and be prepared for it. Also, principals and teachers should cooperate with the school counsellors by referring students to counsellors as quickly as possible instead of choosing them a career that does not best suit with them or force them to perform better.

Keywords: Parental Influence, Career Choice and Subject Selection

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APA 7th edition
James, H.A., Prayer, N.B., & Saleh, M. (2024). Parental Influence on the Selection of Subjects for Career Choice among Senior Secondary School Students in Damaturu Metropolis, Yobe State, Nigeria . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(1), 1-16.

James, H., Prayer, N. and Saleh, M. (2024). Parental Influence on the Selection of Subjects for Career Choice among Senior Secondary School Students in Damaturu Metropolis, Yobe State, Nigeria . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(1), pp. 1-16.

Chicago 16th edition
James, Hi̇rhyel Audu, Nimitein Bibi Prayer and Musa Saleh (2024). "Parental Influence on the Selection of Subjects for Career Choice among Senior Secondary School Students in Damaturu Metropolis, Yobe State, Nigeria ". International Journal of Educational Researchers 15 (1):1-16.

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