Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2018, Vol. 9(1) 18-31
pp. 18 - 31
Publish Date: March 31, 2018 | Single/Total View: 261/1.063 | Single/Total Download: 377/2.089
The study investigated the effect of yilugnta (synonymous with public self-consciousness, or PSC) and other selected factors on class participation and course grade in Math for Finance and Communicative English at Addis Ababa University. Other factors considered as potential predictors included sex, self-esteem and English proficiency. Path analysis using Amos was used to examine model fit and direct as well as indirect effects. Yilugnta was found to have a direct negative and significant effect on class participation and a similar indirect effect on course grade. The factors which reliably predicted class participation were yilugnta and English proficiency. The results underscore the importance of yilugnta in determining class participation and achievement. The concept of yilugnta and the findings pertaining to it also point to the importance of examining the PSC construct and its impact on student academic engagement and achievement from the cultural perspective.
Keywords: Yilugnta, public-self consciousness, class participation, achievement
APA 7th edition
Wole, D. (2018). Yilugnta and other Predictors of Class Participation and Achievement in Selected Courses at Addis Ababa University. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(1), 18-31.
Wole, D. (2018). Yilugnta and other Predictors of Class Participation and Achievement in Selected Courses at Addis Ababa University. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(1), pp. 18-31.
Chicago 16th edition
Wole, Darge (2018). "Yilugnta and other Predictors of Class Participation and Achievement in Selected Courses at Addis Ababa University". International Journal of Educational Researchers 9 (1):18-31.
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