International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(3) 57-70

Competence of Playing and Teaching the Piano of Music Teaching Undergraduate Students: The Piano and Piano Teaching Lesson


pp. 57 - 70   |  Manu. Number: ijers.2010.012

Published online: December 01, 2010  |   Number of Views: 185  |  Number of Download: 833


On the institutions training music teachers, the level of piano teaching affects the competence of music teachers working at elementary schools and high schools. Therefore, during the undergraduate education, a music teacher candidate should show interest on piano lesson as much as he or she shows interest on main instrument lesson. Meanwhile, besides the piano lessons, he or she should show interest at same level and work on lessons related to the piano like ‘Musical Hearing Reading and Writing’, “Harmony, Counterpoint, Accompaniment”, “Playing Accompaniment”, “Musical Styles”, “Turkish Music Poly Vocalization”, “Composing Educational Music”, “The piano and Piano Teaching”. For this reason, “The piano and Piano Teaching” lesson became an important stage for the piano education on music teaching from the stand point of earned information and abilities, resources regarding the piano literature, piano education and works containing various methods and techniques.

Keywords: Music education, the piano, piano education.

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APA 6th edition
SONMEZOZ, F. (2010). Competence of Playing and Teaching the Piano of Music Teaching Undergraduate Students: The Piano and Piano Teaching Lesson. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(3), 57-70.

SONMEZOZ, F. (2010). Competence of Playing and Teaching the Piano of Music Teaching Undergraduate Students: The Piano and Piano Teaching Lesson. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(3), pp. 57-70.

Chicago 16th edition
SONMEZOZ, Feyza (2010). "Competence of Playing and Teaching the Piano of Music Teaching Undergraduate Students: The Piano and Piano Teaching Lesson". International Journal of Educational Researchers 1 (3):57-70.

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