Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(2) 37-46
Sibel OZSOY, Özgül KELEŞ & Naim UZUN
pp. 37 - 46 | Manu. Number: ijers.2010.007
Published online: July 01, 2010 | Number of Views: 189 | Number of Download: 846
In the scientific research process, it is very crucial for researchers to determine methodology of study, to choose appropriate statistical analysis and to report results obtained correctly. In our country, one can confront with many methodological and statistical errors in science education studies. To decrease the number of errors, there is a need for studies reporting kinds of errors and giving recommendations to correct them. With this perspective, the aim of this study is to examine Master’s theses written in the field of science education in terms of appropriateness of their methodology and statistical analysis used. In the present study, 30 theses that can be accessed from the National Theses Center of Council of Higher Education are examined. In the study, errors frequently confronted in these theses are examplified and some recommendations are given to correct these errors.
Keywords: scientific research, statistical errors, methodological errors, science education
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