Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2022, Vol. 13(2) 17-28

Does educational games enhance mathematics performance in sixth-grade elementary school students?

Bryan Montero-Herrera, Jorge Aburto-Corona & José Moncada-Jiménez

pp. 17 - 28

Publish Date: June 30, 2022  |   Number of Views: 368  |  Number of Download: 568


This study aimed to determine whether educational games improve mathematics performance in elementary school students. Volunteers were 47 Costa Rican students from a public school, who were assigned to an experimental (EXP: educational games) or a control (CTRL: traditional class) group. Twenty games were created and nine experienced teachers provided expert judge validity assessed by Kendall’s concordance coefficient (W). The EXP group completed 20 sessions (8 weeks) of 10-min games and following every game, students provided feedback. Before and after the treatment, students completed an official sixth-grade mathematics test. Two-way mixed ANOVA (assessments: pre-test, post-test by groups: EXP, CTRL) showed a significant main assessment effect. The W for teachers’ feedback allowed to use the games indoors, and student’s opinion following the games was considered ‘very good’. In conclusion, 20 educational games failed to improve mathematics academic performance in sixth-grade students; however, students enjoyed the games and there was a trend to improve performance compared to a CTRL group.

Keywords: educational games; classroom; methods; exercise; mathematics test

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APA 7th edition
Montero-Herrera, B., Aburto-Corona, J., & Moncada-Jiménez, J. (2022). Does educational games enhance mathematics performance in sixth-grade elementary school students?. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(2), 17-28.

Montero-Herrera, B., Aburto-Corona, J. and Moncada-Jiménez, J. (2022). Does educational games enhance mathematics performance in sixth-grade elementary school students?. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(2), pp. 17-28.

Chicago 16th edition
Montero-Herrera, Bryan, Jorge Aburto-Corona and José Moncada-Jiménez (2022). "Does educational games enhance mathematics performance in sixth-grade elementary school students?". International Journal of Educational Researchers 13 (2):17-28.

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