Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2022, Vol. 13(1) 1-12

Qualitative Evaluation for School Improvement: An option for School Leaders

Emmanuel Adjei-Boateng

pp. 1 - 12

Publish Date: March 31, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 109/361   |   Single/Total Download: 133/570


Educational leaders need to be able to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of educational programs, policies, and instructional activities in their schools and school systems. The experiences and perspectives of stakeholders matter in an attempt to understand the state of affairs of teaching and learning situations, programs, policies and interventions, and other activities in the schools and educational systems. The review strongly situates qualitative research as an option in evaluation research, especially in the field of education. A qualitative evaluation has the potential of leading to a consultative understanding and review of school programs and situations and provide an authentic basis for interventions aimed at school improvement. School leaders, especially the principals/school heads and other personnel who are part of the school leaders need to understand qualitative evaluation research, its place in education and school administration, and how it can be utilized to support school improvement efforts.

Keywords: School Improvement, School Leaders, Qualitative Research, Evaluation, Qualitative Evaluation, Methods

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APA 7th edition
Adjei-Boateng, E. (2022). Qualitative Evaluation for School Improvement: An option for School Leaders. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(1), 1-12.

Adjei-Boateng, E. (2022). Qualitative Evaluation for School Improvement: An option for School Leaders. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(1), pp. 1-12.

Chicago 16th edition
Adjei-Boateng, Emmanuel (2022). "Qualitative Evaluation for School Improvement: An option for School Leaders". International Journal of Educational Researchers 13 (1):1-12.

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