International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(1) 11-10

The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students


pp. 11 - 10   |  Manu. Number: ijers.2010.002

Published online: March 01, 2010  |   Number of Views: 301  |  Number of Download: 825


 In the current study, the effect of self-help books on the life skills of undergraduate and graduate university students were investigated. To collect data, Emphatic Tendency Scale, open-ended interview forms and personal information forms were used. The data were analyzed through one-way variance analysis. Open-ended interview forms were categorized, and thus their percentages were given. Data analysis showed that self-help books which appealed to a large reader group in Turkey and other countries did not have any contributions to the university students’ life skills. Some books such as “Educational Psychology, Development and Learning and Guidance” aimed at psycho-education” can be advised in the courses at the faculties of education. But, on the other hand, in the lessons such as “Human Relations” and “Communication”, which are at the universities’ category of elective courses, great attention should be given to the choosing course books and source books. There is no limitation on the on self-help books. The latest tendency of self-help books are on the best direct leading with direct alternative. 

Keywords: Self-help books, Life skills, Future tendency, Personal development

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
USAKLI, H. (2010). The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(1), 11-10.

USAKLI, H. (2010). The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(1), pp. 11-10.

Chicago 16th edition
USAKLI, Hakan (2010). "The Effect of Self-Help Books to the Life Skills of Undergraduate and Graduate Students". International Journal of Educational Researchers 1 (1):11-10.

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