Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2021, Vol. 12(3) 25-40

Motivation Strategies Used by Parents for Their Children in Different Levels of Education

Ramazan SAK, Gülşah Ezgican Kızılok, Mehveş Duru Deniz, Fatih Kancınar, Victoria Sullivan

pp. 25 - 40

Publish Date: September 30, 2021  |   Number of Views: 1116  |  Number of Download: 1729


The purpose of this study is to determine the motivation strategies used by parents to increase their children’s academic success in different levels of education and the effect of these strategies on their children. In this qualitative study, 51 pre-service teachers shared their experiences related to motivation strategies used by their own parents to increase their success in primary, secondary and high schools. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data and findings showed that strategies used by parents to motivate their children and the effects of these strategies were similar in the different levels of education. For instance, setting goals, giving gifts, presenting examples, making children feel positive, and supporting them by a concern with their school life were mentioned as motivating strategies at all levels. Making the children feel negative, comparing them with others, focusing on the only academic success of the students, being unable to set healthy communications, setting goals for them, and making them live financial impossibilities were, however, demotivating strategies in primary, secondary and high schools.

Keywords: Motivation; Primary School; Secondary School; High School; Parents

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APA 7th edition
SAK, R., Kizilok, G.E., Deniz, M.D., Kancinar, F., & Sullivan, V. (2021). Motivation Strategies Used by Parents for Their Children in Different Levels of Education. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 12(3), 25-40.

SAK, R., Kizilok, G., Deniz, M., Kancinar, F. and Sullivan, V. (2021). Motivation Strategies Used by Parents for Their Children in Different Levels of Education. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 12(3), pp. 25-40.

Chicago 16th edition
SAK, Ramazan, Gulsah Ezgican Kizilok, Mehves Duru Deniz, Fatih Kancinar and Victoria Sullivan (2021). "Motivation Strategies Used by Parents for Their Children in Different Levels of Education". International Journal of Educational Researchers 12 (3):25-40.


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