International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2020, Vol. 11(2) 30-40

Effectiveness of Spontaneous Collaboration as a form of Distributed Leadership in School Performance

Touseef Fatıma

pp. 30 - 40   |  Manu. Number: ijers.2020.004

Published online: June 29, 2020  |   Number of Views: 141  |  Number of Download: 668


Distributed leadership involves people sharing their expertise to get greater output and is observed in any organization by spontaneous collaboration, intuitive working relations and institutionalized practice. Research has identified the role of spontaneous collaboration on multiple school performance such as rate of enrollment, rate of retention and rate of graduation. However, relatively few is known in Pakistan about role of spontaneous collaboration especially in students’ academic achievement in Mathematics. The present study examined the effectiveness of spontaneous collaboration as a form of distributed leadership in school performance. The quantitative design was found compatible as hypothesis were derived from Peter Gronn’s distributed leadership. The schools where students give their matriculation exam through Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK) were population (N=9887). The 370 participants through systematic sampling were selected and responded through an adapted questionnaire that included 39-items reflecting their responses on school performance, instructional strategy and role of leadership with the consideration of Mathematics. The study explained the relationship between school performance as measured by Mathematics results in Board of Secondary Education (SSC-II) Examination and spontaneous collaboration through the computation of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings of the study indicated that positive and significant relationship found between acceptance of change and school performance. Moreover, the culture of autonomy proved to have significant relationship with school performance. However, the negative while significant relationship existed between trust in the expertise of individual and school performance. Thus, the study shed light on certain aspects of spontaneous collaboration that were found significant with the school performance.

Keywords: Distributed leadership-Spontaneous collaboration–School performance

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Fatima, T. (2020). Effectiveness of Spontaneous Collaboration as a form of Distributed Leadership in School Performance . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(2), 30-40.

Fatima, T. (2020). Effectiveness of Spontaneous Collaboration as a form of Distributed Leadership in School Performance . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(2), pp. 30-40.

Chicago 16th edition
Fatima, Touseef (2020). "Effectiveness of Spontaneous Collaboration as a form of Distributed Leadership in School Performance ". International Journal of Educational Researchers 11 (2):30-40.

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